Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 7 "Photoshop Focus Crazyness"

  Taxis so cute you just want to pick em up and smash them. Well thats what I think anyway. Im a man and thats just how we think. lol. Well anyhooo this is a simple shot taken from a bridge. All I did was copy the image in photoshop and blur it then painted in the mask to what I wanted.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 6 "Romantic Three Light Setup"

   Well This photo right here got me a few points I have to say. Its a simple light setup really. One small softbox to camera right, hairlight with home made foam snoot with a 1/2 cto warming gel and then the final touch a radio controlled flash right behind my back with a red gel and the foam snoot I shaped like a heart at the end. It took me three shots to get this. I must confess though I did tighten up the heart a touch in photoshop. Well there you go and Happy V day peeps.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 5 "Full Length High Key Shot"

   This is a shot of my lovely fiance' Nyle. This shot was done on one of those days when I just didn't have a choice she was gonna have her shoot. lol. Any photographers out there know what I'm talking about. Anyway she knows how to bring the goods to a shoot and never needs coaching. So the shot is done on white seamless with one light blowing the background out and a small soft box "kicker" light on the ground and a larger soft box up high. Pretty simple. The main concern here was to avoid glare.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 4 "2 Light Self Portrait"


    Day 4 already. Time flies. Today got some foam paper from Michaels arts and crafts and rolled them into tubes and put them on two of my flashes and voila controlled light. So this shot I did a simple cross light setup. One flash straight at my mug and one to the upper left of me with a warming gel. I don't like the shadow in the back but I had limited space due to my fiance' using the studio space for coaching acting. I really like this kind of lighting. It gives the skin a full tonality that I like.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 3 " Depth of field"

   This photo I took on Canal street where aparently someone got it in their head to erect a plywood wall and hang keytags on it. So as fate has it here I come with my camera and I was posed with the question to take the pic or not. Well after dumping a boatload of cash into my new camera I realy cant say no so I did. Anyway the shot is at 4.0 and I sharpened slightly in lightroom.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 2 "B+W Random car"

 Here is my day 2 photo. It Is pretty cool in my opinion. I really didn't do to much to this one. First it is a 3 exposure HDR image. Then I just tweaked out the color via lightroom to what I thought was cool. Oh and then I just added a little vignetting to bring the eye to the center of the image.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 1 "Self Portrait"

  Well here I go embarking on something that will get me in front of a computer even longer. Its well worth it though. What I intend to do here is simply put up one picture a day that I have taken. I must warn anyone who is reading this that i am certainly not a litterary scholar by any means and possesses the spelling skills of a hamster. So please bear with me.
  So today's photo is simply a pic i took in the changing room for a tanning booth. Don't ask me why I was there. lol. Anyway I did a little photoshop to get this photo to look grungy and a touch of sharpening. I did notice a few things i almost touched up but i decided to leave them for the overall look. I have noticed that when im being creative it serves me to hold back especially with processing. Well I hope you like it. Let me know what you think.