Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 1 "Self Portrait"

  Well here I go embarking on something that will get me in front of a computer even longer. Its well worth it though. What I intend to do here is simply put up one picture a day that I have taken. I must warn anyone who is reading this that i am certainly not a litterary scholar by any means and possesses the spelling skills of a hamster. So please bear with me.
  So today's photo is simply a pic i took in the changing room for a tanning booth. Don't ask me why I was there. lol. Anyway I did a little photoshop to get this photo to look grungy and a touch of sharpening. I did notice a few things i almost touched up but i decided to leave them for the overall look. I have noticed that when im being creative it serves me to hold back especially with processing. Well I hope you like it. Let me know what you think.

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